You can also set Streamlabs to ignore certain users in chat so their messages won’t display on your overlay. Like Kapchat, you can have BetterTTV and FrankerFaceZ emotes visible in your chat. You can also use HTML/CSS to change the appearance of your chat box. Streamlabs chat box is quick and easy to set up, and with Streamlabs Prime you can make your chat look great without needing any technical know-how although this does cost money. The other options listed also have this functionality. By default, KapChat will hide bots from your chat to give it a cleaner look on stream. Personally, I use KapChat as I like the ability to change the chat window size in OBS without having to return to the website, and that it can be customized using CSS in the future. It’s the easiest to resize within OBS to fit your overlay and won’t warp.

KapChat allows you to show BetterTTV and FrankerFaceZ emotes in your chat overlay and has great customization options if you have any skills using CSS or some more basic pre-set styles if not. There are a few different options for adding Twitch chat to your stream overlay in OBS, here are 3 of those: KapChat The first step in adding chat to your overlay is to pick a chat widget that you’d like to use. Here is how you can add Twitch Chat to OBS: Here is a guide on how you can add Twitch chat to your stream in OBS.

Adding Twitch chat to your stream overlay can be a fun way to make your community feel heard, or give context to what you’re talking about or who you’re talking to in a YouTube highlight. Being able to view your chat while streaming is very important to let you interact with your audience.